faculties and schools
economics, business management, geography and land settlement
foreign languages
humanities and social sciences
law, economics and social administration and public administration
science and technology of physical activities and sports
institutes and schools
grand ouest Normandie university institute of technology
business and management school
teaching and education graduate school (INSPE)
engineering school of Normandy (ESIX)
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Study French
University diploma of French studies
Summer Schools by Carré international
French as a Foreign Language LanSAD FLE
Specific programs
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Adult education
Research & innovation
Research projects
Research and innovation department
HRS4R · Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
Structuring research
Research units
Federative structures
Service units
Graduate schools
Innovation & partnerships
Our success stories
Support for research
Scientific integrity
Researchers in motion – EURAXESS
Visa and residence permit
Researchers with family
Various procedures
Related services
Presses universitaires de Caen
Open science – HAL
Doctoral studies
Conferences and symposiums
Life on Campus
Cultural life
Sports activities at university
IT – Information technology services
Career centre helps you find a job
Sustainable development
Violence prevention and support
Sexual and gender-based violence prevention and support
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International attractiveness
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Apply and study
Training course
Exchange students
Degree-seeking students
Prepare your stay
Study French
University diploma of French studies
Summer Schools by Carré international
French as a Foreign Language LanSAD FLE
Specific programs
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Adult education
Research & innovation
Research projects
Research and innovation department
HRS4R · Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
Structuring research
Research units
Federative structures
Service units
Graduate schools
Innovation & partnerships
Our success stories
Support for research
Scientific integrity
Researchers in motion – EURAXESS
Visa and residence permit
Researchers with family
Various procedures
Related services
Presses universitaires de Caen
Open science – HAL
Doctoral studies
Conferences and symposiums
Life on Campus
Cultural life
Sports activities at university
IT – Information technology services
Career centre helps you find a job
Sustainable development
Violence prevention and support
Sexual and gender-based violence prevention and support
Who to contact in case of an incident on campus?
Getting to UNICAEN
Local life
The residence permit
Local transportation
Food and Dining
Student budget and expense
Off-campus sports
Stay connected
Work in France
About us
International attractiveness
Photo gallery
faculties and schools
economics, business management, geography and land settlement
foreign languages
humanities and social sciences
law, economics and social administration and public administration
science and technology of physical activities and sports
institutes and schools
grand ouest Normandie university institute of technology
business and management school
teaching and education graduate school (INSPE)
engineering school of Normandy (ESIX)
Facebook UNICAEN
Instagram UNICAEN
Linkedin UNICAEN
Apply and study
Apply and study
Your criteria
Types of study
3-year undergraduate technology courses
Undergraduate courses
Professional undergraduate courses
Master's degree
Engineering degree
Classe préparatoire intégrée
Diploma granting access to higher education
University diploma (excluding Health)
Higher notarial diploma
Administration & Law competitive exam preparation
Education competitive exam preparation
Professional qualification
DEUST · Diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques
Undergraduate degrees with health courses
Medicine certification
Speech-language certification
Orthoptics certification
Diplôme d'état en santé
University diploma in health
Docteur d'état en pharmacie
Docteur d'état en chirurgie dentaire
Subject areas
Arts, Literature, Languages
Law, Economics, Management
Sciences and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports
Humanities and Social Sciences
Science, Technology, Health
Faculties etc.
Carré international
Engineering School of Normandy (ESIX)
Espace orientation insertion
Business and Management School (IAE Caen)
Graduate institute for teaching and education (INSPE)
Grand Ouest Normandie University Institute of Technology (IUT Grand Ouest Normandie)
Service universitaire de la formation continue et de l'apprentissage
Faculty of Economics, Business Management, Geography and Land Settlement
Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Administration and Public Administration
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Foreign Languages
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports
Online and distance learning
Training catalog
49 training course(s) match(es) the specified search terms specified
Humanities and Social Sciences
3-year undergraduate technology courses
3-year undergraduate technology courses Carrières sociales
Track Coordination et gestion des établissements et services sanitaires et sociaux
Track Villes et territoires durables
Undergraduate courses
Undergraduate courses Géographie et aménagement
Undergraduate courses History
Track History - Social Sciences
Track History - Political Sciences
Track History - Archaeology
Undergraduate courses Philosophy
Track Philosophy - Social Sciences
Track Philosophy - Political Sciences
Undergraduate courses Psychologie
Undergraduate courses Educational sciences
Track Teaching and school professions
Track Social, medico-social and integration professions
Undergraduate courses Sociology
Track - Sociology and social sciences
Track - Sociology and political sciences
Track -Social, medico-social and professional insertion
Professional undergraduate courses
Professional undergraduate courses Cartographie, topographie et systèmes d'information géographique
Track Systèmes d'information géographique : diagnostic et aménagement des territoires
Professional undergraduate courses Métiers de la protection et de la gestion de l'environnement
Track Environnement, agriculture, paysage et territoires ruraux
Master's degree
Master's degree History
Track History
Track Heritage-related professions: achives and museums
Track History, Cultures and Political Sciences
Master's degree Philosophy
Master's degree Sociologie
Track Vulnérabilités
Master's degree Ergonomie
Master's degree Géographie, aménagement, environnement et développement
Track Territoires en transition : métiers du diagnostic, de l'aménagement et du développement local
Track Environnement, risques et diagnostics territoriaux
Master's degree Histoire
Track Métiers de la recherche en archéologie
Master's degree Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation (MEEF) · Encadrement éducatif
Master's degree Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation (MEEF) · Pratiques et ingénierie de la formation
Track Formation de formateurs en milieu scolaire
Track Formation pour l'éducation inclusive
Track Médiation culturelle et enseignement
Master's degree Practices & engineering in training
Track Educational mobility and tourism
Master's degree Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation (MEEF) · Premier Degré
Master's degree Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation (MEEF) · Second degré
Track Éducation physique et sportive
Track Histoire - Géographie
Track Langues vivantes étrangères
Track Lettres Modernes
Track Mathématiques
Track Physique - Chimie
Track Professeur documentaliste
Track Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
Track Sciences économiques et sociales
Master's degree Psychologie
Track Clinique du développement de l’enfant, de l’adolescent et de la famille
Track Neuropsychologie clinique de l’enfant à l’adulte
Track Psychologie psycho-dynamique clinique et pathologique
Master's degree Psychology
Track Clinical neuropsychology of children and adults
Track Social psychology and change management: diagnosis and intervention
Master's degree Education Sciences
Track Career path and knowledge in the relationship professions
Master's degree Sciences de l'éducation et de la formation
Track Ingénierie du numérique dans l’enseignement supérieur et la formation d’adultes
Master's degree Sociology
Track Risk and environmental governance
Master's degree Urbanisme et Aménagement
Track Aménagement durable, urbanisme rénové, assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage
University diploma (excluding Health)
University diploma (excluding Health) Études Normandes
University diploma (excluding Health) Professeurs et conseillers principaux d'éducation stagiaires - entrée dans le métier parcours CPE
University diploma (excluding Health) Professeurs et conseillers principaux d'éducation stagiaires - entrée dans le métier parcours premier degré
University diploma (excluding Health) Professeurs et conseillers principaux d'éducation stagiaires - entrée dans le métier parcours second degré
Undergraduate degrees with health courses
Undergraduate degrees with health courses
Track Droit · Psychologie · Économie · Chimie · Informatique · Mathématiques · Physique · Sciences de la vie · Sciences pour la santé · STAPS
Professional qualification
Professional qualification Diplôme d'État d'Ingénierie sociale
Modifier la recherche
Types of study
3-year undergraduate technology courses
Undergraduate courses
Professional undergraduate courses
Master's degree
Engineering degree
Classe préparatoire intégrée
Diploma granting access to higher education
University diploma (excluding Health)
Higher notarial diploma
Administration & Law competitive exam preparation
Education competitive exam preparation
Professional qualification
DEUST · Diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques
Undergraduate degrees with health courses
Medicine certification
Speech-language certification
Orthoptics certification
Diplôme d'état en santé
University diploma in health
Docteur d'état en pharmacie
Docteur d'état en chirurgie dentaire
Subject areas
Arts, Literature, Languages
Law, Economics, Management
Sciences and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports
Humanities and Social Sciences
Science, Technology, Health
Faculties etc.
Carré international
Engineering School of Normandy (ESIX)
Espace orientation insertion
Business and Management School (IAE Caen)
Graduate institute for teaching and education (INSPE)
Grand Ouest Normandie University Institute of Technology (IUT Grand Ouest Normandie)
Service universitaire de la formation continue et de l'apprentissage
Faculty of Economics, Business Management, Geography and Land Settlement
Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Administration and Public Administration
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Foreign Languages
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports
Online and distance learning