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Master's degree Computer Science Track Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors

field(s) of training :

Science, Technology, Health

diploma level :

Master's degree (five-year degree)

duration of the program :

2 years

location(s) :


Course overview

AI is called artificial intelligence as opposed to human intelligence – still, both are types of intelligences, so what do they have in common? What can science say about computer science and AI?

To study the wide concept of intelligence, the master’s degree in Computer science offers the Artificial intelligence and human factors path. This two-year full-time research-oriented course will prepare you to work for or even lead projects involving AI. As such, you will be able to

  • Master the theoretical and technical aspects related to AI in computer science
  • Analyse human behaviour, more specifically towards AI, through various fields of study such as neuroscience, psychology, sociology, law…

By the end of this program, you will be able to understand challenges related to artificial intelligence, especially in the fields of health, sports, and virtual reality.


When given a text or a picture, artificial intelligence can extract information, knowledge, even reason and take autonomous decisions. You wish to learn more about how a machine can understand and analyse content? To understand these techniques, the master’s programme will train you for formal tools and advanced methods in the following fields:

  • Decision theory
  • Logical reasoning
  • Probabilistic logic
  • Multi-agent systems
  • Natural language processing
  • Semantic web
  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning with neural networks
  • Data mining methods

Moreover, the master’s degree in Computer science is supported by several research units within the research group in Computer Science, Image an Instrumentation of Caen (GREYC · UMR 6072):

  • CODAG (Contraintes, Ontologies, Données, Annotations, Graphes): research in data mining, constraints and graphs
  • IMAGE: processing and analysis of signals, images and videos
  • MAD (Modèles, Agents et Décision): autonomous agents and multi-agent systems

Thanks to the NORMANTHIIA Project (website in French), this master's programme was funded by the French National Research Agency as part of the France 2030 investment plan, grant number ANR - 23 - CMAS - 0010.

Application requirements

Entry requirements

To enter this programme, you should

  • Master fundamentals in computer science, applied mathematics, or general mathematics.
  • Since the curriculum is multidisciplinary, you should also be interested in widening your field of studies with other subjects.

Language proficiency requirements

Minimum French level required: C1

Minimum English level required: B2

Specific conditions

If you completed Year 1 of this master's, you will automatically enter Year 2.

If you completed Year 1 of another master's, you can apply to Year 2 of this master's.

Course structure


  • Take place on the campus 2 (Caen), in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Caen Normandy.
  • Amount to 20 hours a week in Year 1, and 15 hours a week in Year 2; to these contact hours add 2 group projects that imply important personal work.
  • Are completed by professional internships.

Course units

The curriculum of the Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors path is based on a selection of course units within the Algorithmics and Intelligent Systems. There are 16 units in Year 1, 7 in Year 2, all of them focusing on Artificial Intelligence. 

Meanwhile, during Year 1, you will also attend course units focusing on Human Factors. These units encompass AI applications in sport, virtual reality, and health, and are co-organised by the faculties of Health, Humanity and Social Sciences, Law, Psychology, Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sport. There are 10 units for the 2 years of the master’s degree.

Besides, the master’s curriculum contains training units, such as:

  • In Year 1: a year-long project
  • In the 2nd semester of Year 2:
    • A group project
    • A research project within a laboratory
    • A compulsory internship

Internships and placements

The master’s degree in Computer Science includes 2 internships that can be done in a laboratory or a company:

  • An optional internship in Year 1, up to 2 months
  • A compulsory internship in Year 2, from 4 to 6 months

Coursework and assessment

The course lasts 2 years and is divided in 4 semesters, each comprising several courses units. Examinations take place through coursework and are graded on a scale from 0 to 20, 20 being the best grade.

To successfully complete a semester, you must have an average mark of at least 10 points out of 20. If you have not completed your semester, you can retake the courses units you failed; you do not have to retake the courses in which you have obtained at least 10 points out of 20.




Learning outcome

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Model and solve concrete computer science problems with appropriate methods and tools, especially for large-scale organisations requiring digital solutions
  • Design and implement said tools, whether for a specialised company or for specific needs of an organisation
  • Design methods and tools, whether for academical research or research services within large-scale organisations

Further study

Once you’ve obtained your master’s degree in Computer science, you can pursue doctoral studies.


IT services company, private or public organisations… Every field of work uses computer science! You will have plenty of opportunities, especially in the currently booming field of artificial intelligence:

  • Decision analysis tools officer
  • Knowledge engineering officer
  • Research & development engineer
  • Computer science engineer
  • Researcher or research professor

Course leader

formation : Fabrice Maurel · fabrice.maurel@unicaen.fr

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