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Master's degree Biology and Health Track Oncology, Immunology, Genetics

field(s) of training :

Science, Technology, Health

diploma level :

Master's degree (five-year degree)

duration of the program :

2 years

location(s) :

Caen (Campus 1 and Campus 5)

Course overview

You’re interested in life sciences? You wish to acquire knowledge and skills in biology and put them to use for biomedical research? The master’s in Biology and Health trains you to study molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms involved in the functioning of a human being, either sane (reproduction, immunology, metabolism, cardiology, genetics and epigenetics…) or ill (such as cancer). As such, this master’s allows you opportunities both in research and in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industry.

In Year 2, you can specialise in:


As part of the Biomedical research strategy of the Chemistry and biology applied to health and wellbeing research group (resource in French) of Normandie Université, this programme is supported by the joined research units in Integrative Biology, Imaging, Health and Environment of the universities of Caen and Rouen. As such, you will benefit from the equipment and expertise of all Norman laboratories.

Application requirements

Entry requirements

To enter this master’s, you should 

  • Master fundamentals and tools in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and main physiological functions
  • Process experimental data in these fields of biology
  • Master transferrable skills in statistics, English and computer science
  • Possess communication and writing skills in French
  • Graduate from a degree in Health Sciences or Life Sciences

Course structure


  • Take place 
    • On site in the University of Caen Normandy in Year 1:
      • Faculty of Sciences, located on Campus 1 (Caen)
      • Faculty of Health, located on Campus 5 (Caen)
    • Via blended-learning in Year 2: to avoid you to travel from Caen to Rouen, the course units from the university of Rouen can be attended remotely from the university of Caen. Necessary travels will be partly paid by the universities.
  • Amount to 1765 hours, including compulsory internships.

Course units

In Year 1, the master’s in Biology and Health relies on a core curriculum made of scientific and technical course units. Courses are both theoretical and practical:

  • Endocrinology, metabolism, aging
  • Cell-extracellular matrix interactions
  • Genomic expression regulation and epigenetics
  • Professional environment
  • Introduction to biotherapies
  • Cellular differentiation and oncogenesis

Some course units are optional:

  • Immunology
  • Physiology and cardiovascular physiopathology
  • Cellular signalling
  • Animal development biology
  • Main neurotransmissions systems and their dysfunctions
  • Reproduction physiopathology
  • Human genetics
  • Introduction to cancerology: from physiopathology to therapy
  • Gravitational physiology and spatial orientation

In Year 2, the third semester of the programme will still follow a core curriculum:

  • Stem cells
  • Molecule, cell and tissue biotherapy
  • Omics approaches

You will also have to choose 3 out of the 4 course units offered in the Oncology, Immunology, Genetics specialisation:

  • Environment and cancer
  • Human genetics, from molecules bases to pathologies
  • Immuno-regulation, pathology and oncology
  • Cancer, from molecular bases to therapy

During you master’s programme, you will also attend transferrable course units such as:

  • Practical training
  • English
  • Statistics processing of biological data
  • Professional environment knowledge

Internships and placements

The master’s programme includes two compulsory internships, in a company or a laboratory, in France or abroad:

  • Year 1, 1st semester of the master’s: 8 weeks long in a laboratory (minimum)
  • Year 2, 3rd semester of the master’s: 5 months long (minimum)

Both internships will be evaluated through detailed written report and an oral presentation of this report.

Coursework and assessment

The course lasts 2 years and is divided in 4 semesters, each comprising several courses units. Assessment takes place both through coursework and final examsnat the end of each semester. Examinations are graded on a scale from 0 to 20, 20 being the best grade. Grade compensation is organized without eliminatory marks and on the basis of the general average obtained in every course unit. In Year 2, the course unit dedicated to the internship does not compensate the course units dedicated to theory.

To successfully complete a semester, you must have an average mark of at least 10 points out of 20. If you have not completed your semester, you can retake the courses units you failed; you do not have to retake the courses in which you have obtained at least 10 pts out of 20.



Study abroad

You wish to go abroad during your master’s? You can go on an Erasmus+ exchange to study abroad or do an internship in a foreign company!

Learning outcome

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Conceive a protocol
  • Produce experimental data and analyse them
  • Formulate a hypothesis
  • Possess the communication and writing skills in French and English to present your results in front of the team or a jury or valorise your projects or researches internationally
  • Share your knowledge and skills
  • Manage the equipment within a laboratory or a technical centre
  • Participate in developing new technologies

Further study

The master’s degree in Biology and Health is research-oriented. Once you’ve obtained your degree, you are encouraged to pursue doctoral studies depending on your research topic.


As an expert in biology and health, you will have opportunities in research, especially if you complete a PhD:

  • Research officer
  • Project engineer
  • Research and development executive in private companies
  • Research engineer
  • Research professor in biology


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR des Sciences

Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5


Course leader

formation : Christelle Lecapitaine · christelle.delalande@unicaen.fr

more information