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Master's degree Physics

Track :
  • Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions (NAC)

field(s) of training :
Science, Technology, Health
diploma level :
Grade de Master (Bac+5)
duration of the program :
2 years
location(s) :
Caen, campus 2

Course units

Master 1

  • Atomic, nuclear and condensed matter physics
  • Practical experimental labs
  • Matter and radiation
  • Advanced quantum mechanics
  • Classical and quantum scattering
  • Monte Carlo simulations
  • Applied physics (nuclear waste, hadrontherapy, optical spectroscopy, nanoparticles)

Master 2

Specialisation in experimental sciences

  • Design of subatomic experiments
  • Ion beams and sources
  • Atoms and clusters
  • Metrology 
  • Monte Carlo simulations and machine learning
  • Experimental project

 Specialisation in theoretical sciences:

  • Density functional theory
  • Application to atomic clusters
  • Advanced nuclear theory
  • Fundamental interactions
  • Theoretical project 

Specialisation in applied physics:

  • Dosimetry and radiation protection
  • Physics of medical devices
  • Basics of radio-therapy 


2-month full-time internship in the 1st year of the master's degree in a research lab in France or abroad

4 to 6-month full-time internship (lab or company) in the 2nd year of the master's degree  in France or abroad


Graduate School N2P

Particular situation for the students selected to join the Graduate School:

  • excellence scholarship
  • 4-month part-time project in the 2nd year of the master's degree
  • extra-curriculum courses
  • personal mentoring

Course overview

 The Master's edgree in Nuclei, Atoms, Collisions is part of the Erasmus+ Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics, see :

This master's degree includes the Graduate School "Normandy Nuclear Physics", which is an excellency project financed by the Normandy Region. 

It provides a solid training in the field of nuclear and atomic collision physics, which corresponds to the recognized expertise of Normandy research laboratories. Scholarships are available for the students selected to join the Graduate School.


The main career opportunities after the master's degree are:


  • in the academic sector (fundamental or applied research in university laboratories and research organisations such as the CNRS or the CEA)
  • in research and developement within industries in civil (energy, instrumentation, big data) and medical nuclear applications (radiotherapy, hadrontherapy)



Entry requirements

 Selective process for joining the first year of the Master's programme. The admission criteria and required skills are laid down by the university

Recommended background: Bachelor in Physics.


Selection procedure based on scholastic records (quality of previous studies, motivation and CV). A B2 level in English is required.


For the admission to the Master Erasmus+, see http://www.emm-nucphys.eu/

For the admission to the Graduate School, see https://graduateschool-n2p.unicaen.fr/en/accueil-english/

Specific conditions

Direct access to the second year for students having completed the first year of the same path/course at the University of Caen Normandie. In other cases, see the information on the Unicaen training portal, https://www.unicaen.fr/formation/candidater-sinscrire/candidater/

Application process

 Selective process for joining the first year of the Master's programme. The selection procedures are laid down each year by the University. For the start of the academic year 2022, a new national application platform will  be avaiable soon.

Tuition fees

The administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the course portal.

Scholarships are available for students selected to join the Graduate School excellency programme.

Course structure

 Face-to-face training

 Training with internship periods

 Compulsory internship

Course details

The NAC Master's degree is an integral part of the Erasmus+ Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics, see :



These courses are followed by international students within the Eramsus + framework and are taught in English.

The Erasmus+ course on data analysis and machine learning developed explicitly for the International Master's Degree by experts is available to NAC students. 

Students can also avail themselves of the Erasmus+ programmes included in the International Master's degree programme to carry out their internships abroad. Erasmus exchanges with partner universities are encouraged.


Activity Sectors

The main professional opportunities after the Master's degree  are :

  • either in the academic sector (basic or applied research in nuclear or atomic physics in university laboratories and research organisations such as the CNRS or the CEA)
  • or in Research and Development within industries  in both civil (energy, instrumentation, big data) and medical nuclear applications (radiotherapy, hadrontherapy)  

Types of jobs available

  • Research and Development
  • Project Manager
  • Application Engineer
  • PhD contract, higher education, academic research


Internships and placements

Mandatory 8-week internship in a research laboratory in M1.

Compulsory internship of 4 to 6 months in a research lab or company in year 2.

The subject of the internship must be approved by the person in charge of the Master and will be subject to an internship contract. The subjects covered by M2 students, in addition to the training provided by the university, enable the students to start a professional activity or to pursue doctoral studies.

The students selected to join the special Graduate School programme additionally pursue a tutored 4-month part-time project in a lab in year 2.

Coursework and assessment

  • The curriculum is structured in semesters, each comprising several teaching units. Examinations are held at the end of each semester.

On the one hand, grade compensation is organized all over the semester without eliminatory marks and on the basis of the general average of the marks obtained for the various teaching units and the corresponding grades. On the other hand, it is organized over both  semesters of year M1. The two semesters cannot compensate each other in year 2.

To successfully complete a semester, the student must have an average mark of at least 10pts out of 20. If a student has not completed the semester, he nevertheless retains the benefit of the teaching units in which he has obtained at least 10 pts out of 20.

An extra exam session is organized for students who have not compelted the year in the first exam session.


Course arrangements for eligible students

The Relais Handicap Santé provides personalised support to people with disabilities throughout their training to facilitate their educational integration


English for both M1 and M2

Study abroad

The third semester of the NAC Master's degree is an integral part of the Erasmus+ International Master "Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics". See : 



Semester 3 courses are  common for both international Erasmus+ and local students.

NAC Master students who are not enrolled in the International Master's programme also have the possibility to :

  • follow non-degree courses of the specific Erasmus+ EU courses  
  • carry out the internships abroad with videoconferencing support

Learning outcome

Scientific skills

  • mastery of imaging instrumentation techniques
  • spectroscopy
  • acceleration for different ion beam applications
  • development of numerical simulations and analysis of multi-parameter data
  • machine learning
  • development of theoretical models of physical phenomena related to the physics of atomic and subatomic systems

Interdisciplinary Skills

  • mastery of research and scientific writing processes
  • mastery of scientific English (including CLES2 certification)
  • mastery of different software
  • mastery of scientific programming (C,C++,Python) for  modelling and simulation (deterministic and Monte-Carlo)
  • teamwork 

Further study

Possibility to pursue a PhD


Jobs available

Research and Development, Project Manager, Application Engineer, PhD research contract, higher education, academic research. 


The sectors concerned are :

  • the academic sector (fundamental or applied research in university laboratories and research organisations such as the CNRS or the CEA)
  • the research and development sector within  industries in civil (energy, instrumentation, big data) and medical nuclear applications (radiotherapy, hadrontherapy)


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR des Sciences

Boulevard Maréchal Juin · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5



Contact : Prof. Francesca GULMINELLI, PhD francesca.gulminelli@unicaen.fr (Master NAC and Graduate School Normandy Nuclear Physics) nucphys@us.es (JMD ERASMUS+) gs.n2p@unicaen.fr (Graduate School Normandy Nuclear Physics)

School / Faculty


Contact name


Course leader

Francesca Gulminelli · francesca.gulminelli@unicaen.fr

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