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Master's degree Physics Track Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions (NAC)

This programme is taught in English.

field(s) of training :

Science, Technology, Health

diploma level :

Master's degree (five-year degree)

duration of the program :

2 years

location(s) :

Caen, campus 2

Course overview

Nuclear physics is the field of physics focusing on the structure of matter in the most extreme conditions of the universe. In many countries including France, this field is at the heart of currently booming industrial applications. As such, many Norman research units work on subatomic physics and collision physics. 

You want to specialize in theoretical or applied physics in the nuclear field? Join the Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions track of the master’s degree in Physics.

The Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions (NAC) track is an a 2-year course partnered with

This European excellency program is fully taught in English.

With this master’s degree, you will receive comprehensive teaching based on the expertise of Norman research units. The NAC track will enable you to engage in international outcomes in nuclear physics, either in the academic field, or in civil and medical applications of nuclear science.

Welcoming international students

Since 2019, the University of Caen Normandy has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" label by Campus France, highlighting the quality of the university's welcome for international students.



Application requirements

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

For first-year admission, the selection will be based on:

  • Skills and knowledge of a bachelor’s degree in Physics
  • Scholastic records (quality of previous studies, motivation and CV)
  • B2 level in English

Specific conditions

For second-year admission

• If you have completed the first year of the master, you will access directly to the second year.

• If you have completed another course in Physics and want to enter the master

Tuition fees

To register, you need to pay:

  • Registration fees
  • Student life and campus contribution (€90)

Scholarships are available if you enroll the Graduate school.

Course structure

  • The course takes place on site in the campus 1 (Caen) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Caen Normandy. 
  • The course amounts to 700 hours a year, around 20 hours a week.
  • The course offers a professional training including compulsory internships.

Course units

The 1st year of the Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions track shares a common syllabus with the Radioprotection track. The courses focus on physics, with many practical labs :

  • Atomic, nuclear and condensed matter physics
  • Practical experimental labs
  • Matter and radiation
  • Monte Carlo simulations

You can also choose courses between:

  • Applied physics (nuclear waste, hadrontherapy, optical spectroscopy, nanoparticles)
  • Theoretical physics (advanced quantum mechanics, Classical and quantum scattering)

Then, for the 2nd year, you can specialize either in fundamental physics or applied physics. You must choose two course units out of three:

  • Experimental physics
  • Design of nuclear experiments
  • Ion beams and sources
  • Metrology and data analysis
  • Theoretical physics
  • Density functional theory
  • Applications to atomic clusters
  • Advanced nuclear theory
  • Fundamental interactions 
  • Applied physics
  • Dosimetry and radiation protection
  • Physics of medical devices
  • Basics of radio-therapy 

Besides, you can improve your skills on high or low energy physics with course units focusing on:

  • Atoms and Clusters
  • or
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Read the full syllabus of the Nuclei, atoms and collisions track on the Graduate school Normandy Nuclear Physics (N2P) website

Moreover, with this master’s degree, you will develop original research projects via two compulsory internships, one each year, in a research unit or in a company.

Course details

The NAC track of the master’s degree in Physics is part of the graduate school Normandy Nuclear Physics (N2P) associated to the Joint Master Degree NUCPHYS.

This course is the only course in nuclear physics associated with the Erasmus Mundus program. This European program supports courses of excellent quality led by several higher education institutions from the EU. As such, every course unit in the NAC track is:

  • Developed by international experts
  • Taught in English
  • Attended by Erasmus + international students

Besides, if you enroll the graduate school N2P, you will receive with further support during your courses:

  • Excellency scholarship
  • Extra-curriculum courses
  • Personal mentoring

Moreover, you can replace the courses that do not fit your professional project, and carry out a supervised personal project within a research unit, for 4 months in your 2nd year.

Internships and placements

The NAC track supports your professional project. As such, you can take two internships:

  • 2nd semester, Year 1: 2 months in a research unit
  • 2nd semester, Year 2: 4 to 6 months in a research unit or a company

Each internship comes under a learning agreement and will be evaluated with a internship report and an interview with the jury.

If you enroll the graduate school N2P, you will also take part in a 4-month supervised project in a research unit during 1st semester, Year 3. 

Coursework and assessment

The course lasts 2 years and is divided in 6 semesters, each comprising several courses units. Examinations are held at the end of each semester and are graded on a scale from 0 to 20, 20 being the best grade. Grade compensation is organized without eliminatory marks and on the basis of the general average obtained in every courses units:

  • Over each semester
  • Over the 2 semesters of year 1. 

The 2 semesters do not compensate each other in year 2.

To successfully complete a semester, you must have an average mark of at least 10 points out of 20. If you have not completed your semester, you can retake the courses units you failed; you do not have to retake the courses in which you have obtained at least 10 pts out of 20.

Course arrangements for eligible students

The Relais Handicap Santé provides personalised support to people with disabilities throughout their training to facilitate their educational integration


  • English

Study abroad

You want to study abroad? The NAC track is an integral part of the Erasmus + International Master Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics. As such, the courses are common for both international Erasmus+ and local students, and all taught in English. 

NAC Master students who are not enrolled in the International Master's program can also:

  • follow an exchange semester within partner universities 
  • carry out the internships abroad 

Learning outcome

With the Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions track of the master’s degree in Physics, you will acquire:

  • Scientific skills
    • Imaging instrumentation techniques
    • Spectroscopy
    • Acceleration for different ion beam applications
    • Numerical simulations and multi-parametric data
    • AI and machine learning techniques
    • Theoretical models of physical phenomena linked to the physics of atomic and subatomic systems
  • Interdisciplinary Skills
    • Research and scientific writing processes
    • Scientific English (CLES2 certification)
    • Teamwork
    • Scientific programming languages (C, C++, Python) for modelling and simulation (deterministic and Monte-Carlo)
    • Operating systems (Linux, Windows)
    • Productivity software
    • Formal calculation (Mathematica, Matlab)
    • Professional software (Geant4, MCNP, MOLCA, LISE++, RayXPert…)


The Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions track of the master’s degree in Physics prepares you for careers in

  • Academics: basic or applied research in nuclear or atomic physics in university laboratories and research organizations such as the CNRS or the CEA)
  • Research and development within nuclear application industries:
    • Civil nuclear applications (energy, instrumentation, simulation, big data)
    • Medical nuclear applications (radiotherapy, particle therapy) 

With an expertise in subatomic physics and collision physics, you can work as 

  • Research and Development engineer 
  • Application engineer
  • Research engineer
  • Project Manager
  • PhD contract, higher education, academic research


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR des Sciences

Boulevard Maréchal Juin · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5



Contact : Prof. Francesca GULMINELLI, PhD francesca.gulminelli@unicaen.fr (Master NAC and Graduate School Normandy Nuclear Physics) nucphys@us.es (JMD ERASMUS+) gs.n2p@unicaen.fr (Graduate School Normandy Nuclear Physics)

School / Faculty


Contact name


Course leader

formation : Francesca Gulminelli · francesca.gulminelli@unicaen.fr

more information