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UNICAEN | UNIVERSITÉ DE CAEN NORMANDIE | UFR Humanités et sciences sociales

Master's degree History Track History, Cultures and Political Sciences

This programme is taught in French.

field(s) of training :

Humanities and Social Sciences

diploma level :

Master's degree (five-year degree)

duration of the program :

2 years

location(s) :

University of Caen-Normandie

Course overview

The "History, Cultures and Political Sciences" program offers multidisciplinary training (History, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Geography) that combines research in history, reinforcement of transversal competencies or soft skills and collaborative projects. The course aims enhance the employability skills of students in research, political consulting, the media, public administration and political engineering.

It offers solid training in the social sciences of politics and up-to-date skills for processing information in a digital environment, with the implementation of supervised group projects, the completion of a research dissertation and an internship. A partnership with the Institut des Métiers du Droit et de l'Administration (IMDA) allows students who wish to do so to attend a 40-hour preparation course per semester in Master 1 for public administration competitions.

A Course Director provides individualized support for students in the preparation of their research and expertise project and to support their success.

Welcoming international students

Since 2019, the University of Caen Normandy has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" label by Campus France, highlighting the quality of the university's welcome for international students.



Application requirements

Entry requirements

Access to M1 is selective: admission criteria and capacity defined by the university. Selection based on academic records : quality of previous studies, motivation, CV.

Recommended degrees: History, Political Sciences, Sociology, multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Apply and register

The registration process takes place in 3 steps:

Application process

Academic year 2022/2023: Submission of the application file on the eCandidat app: from 25 April to 27 May 2022. The pedagogical committee will assess the candidate's previous results and the suitability of his/her curriculum for the desired course. The pedagogical committee will assess the applicant's motivation and the suitability of the desired course of study for his/her project. Any form of personal experience showing intellectual and research curiosity, student commitment and/or a spirit of initiative will be appreciated.

Tuition fees

The administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the course portal.

Course structure

Presence learning

Course units

Master 1 - Semester 1

  • Political science and sociology of public action
  • Quantitative methods and data processing
  • Modern transformations of politics
  • Political and digital communication
  • Research technical training course
  • Multidisciplinary seminar "The Making of Politics"
  • Foreign language
  • Theory and practice of project management
  • Individualized pedagogical support for the elaboration of the research project

Master 1 - Semester 2

  •  Law of public institutions
  • European and global security issues
  • Technical training course in research
  • Two seminars including "The Making of Politics"
  • Realization of a supervised collective project
  • Individualized pedagogical support for the realization of a research and/or expertise dossier with an oral presentation

Master 2 - Semester 1

  • Research workshop on the social sciences of politics
  • Participation in two seminars including "The Making of Politics"
  • Foreign language
  • Advanced work on the research project
  • Short internship

Master 2 - Semester 2

  • Seminar "The Making of Politics"
  • or: the writing of a research paper with a defense at the end of the semester
  • or: long internship at the end of the studies with dissertation assessment comprising the internship report with an oral presentation at the end of the semester

Internships and placements

The course includes:

  • a short internship in semester 1 of Master 2: immersion and/or observation of a professional environment
  • the possibility of a long internship in the second semester of the Master 2: an end-of-study internship that serves as a transition between student life and working life and allows students to develop a project in connection with their research dissertation.

Coursework and assessment

The curriculum is organised in teaching units divided into four semesters over two years.

The evaluation of the courses is mainly based on continuous assessment. The M1 research file and the M2 research dissertation are defended before a jury.

Compensation is organised over the semester without failing grades and on the basis of the overall average of the grades obtained for the various courses with coefficients. It is organised between the two semesters.

In order to pass the semester, the student must have an overall average mark of at least 10/20. If the student does not pass the semester, he/she retains the benefit of the  teaching units where he/she has obtained at least 10/20.

A minimum mark of 10/20 in the preparatory file is required to obtain the M1 degree.

A minimum mark of 10/20 in the research dissertation is required to obtain the M2 degree.


French and English

Study abroad

Possibility of international exchanges (Erasmus or other) in M1 and M2.

Erasmus agreements: Paderborn, Augsburg, Bremen (Germany); Sofia (Bulgaria); Huelva, Salamanca, Madrid, Santander (Spain); Glasgow, Cardiff, Southampton (Great Britain); Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Siena, Bari, Milan, Naples, Padua, Turin (Italy); Coimbra (Portugal); Bergen, Oslo (Norway); Prague (Czech Republic); Ljubljana (Slovenia)

CREPUQ agreements with Quebec universities (affiliation with the University of Sherbrooke).

Possible excahnges with: Russia, USA, Mexico.

A teacher-researcher is specifically responsible for monitoring international exchanges (bachelor's and master's degrees) within the History Department. Access to CIEP (lecturers abroad) files with a referent in the department benefits students in the extension of their master's degree and in a professional perspective.

Learning outcome

Use the knowledge, concepts and methods specific to the humanities and social sciences to develop a critical reflection on an original question or a complex problem

  • Use the digital tools designed for humanities and social sciences
  • Adopt an interdisciplinary approach to analyse archival sources, testimonies of field actors or experts on political issues
  • Design content and conduct collaborative projects for historical, cultural, memorial or operational purposes
  • Communicate for training or knowledge transfer purposes, orally and in writing, in French and at least one foreign language
  • Respect the principles of ethics, deontology and environmental responsibility

Further study

The "History, Cultures and Political Science" programme prepares students for doctoral studies as well as for immediate professional integration after having obtained the Master's degree. It is organised to promote lifelong learning.


  • Careers in state, local and European civil service
  • Careers in Information and media ; web editor / content creator
  • Research careers in human and social sciences: doctorate in history, sociology or political science
  • Careers in political consultancy : parliamentary assistants, assistants to elected representatives and local authorities.


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR HSS · Humanités et sciences sociales

Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5


Course leader

formation : Brice Evain · brice.evain@unicaen.fr

formation : Dzovinar Kevonian · dzovinar.kevonian@unicaen.fr

formation : Gilles Gorre · gilles.gorre@unicaen.fr