Master's degree Practices & engineering in training Track Educational mobility and tourism
Course units
- Skills unit 1 : Professional frameworks and ethics
Ethical and responsible tourism, International cooperation and mobility programmes, private and public law, human resources management , accounting and financial management, pricing.
- Skills unit 2 : Projects Conception, implementation and evaluation
Social and accessible tourism, school trips, scouting and camps, educational exchange, slow travel and tourism, residential centre project, language stay abroad, volunteering.
- Skills unit 3 : Contexts and audiences
Health and outdoor education, globalization and mobilities, history of educational mobility and tourism or history of pedagogical trends, mobility of children and young people, human beings in the world, economy and innovation.
- Skills unit 4 : Research
Research seminar : Educational mobilities and tourism in the Anthropocene, qualitative methodology, data analysis, dissertations.
- Skills unit 5 : Internships, activity analysis and professional project
Discovering organizations and jobs, internship projects, career writing and interviewing, internships (4 to 6 months each year), activity analysis, professional integration.
- Skills unit 6 : Communication
Communication, second foreign language (French for non French-speaking students).
Course overview
The Master's degree "Mobilités et tourismes éducatifs" is available at the University of Caen-Normandy, within the INSPE faculty.
The advantages of this Master's degree are: a course porogramme delivered mainly in English in order to deepen the mastery of the English language for non English-speaking students and the reception of international students, a four to six-month internship each academic year, many guest speakers (academics and professionals), another foreign language every semester besides English and French, a bimonthly list of job vacancies, the support and the writing of the professional project, many contacts with professional networks in France and abroad, and useful connections with degree alumni.
The Master's degree aims to provide the skills necessary for developing a career as an organizer and manager of educational mobility and tourism in the following sectors: international offices of educational institutions, organizations of school trips, language and training stay abroad, slow travel, social tourism and educational holidays, summer camps, scouting, and youth international mobilities.
Registration process
Licence or bachelor's degree
Entry requirements
Admission to the first-year of the degree is selective, the admission criteria and the number of students are laid down by the university.
Application form
Requested documents:
- All available diplomas and transcripts obtained in higher education courses.
- A detailed CV, specifying:
- The different trainings and professional experience,
- Experience in international mobility , youth leadership experience, associative commitment experience, au-pair, stay abroad, and/or volunteering experience,
- The language skills : self-positioning with the CECRL or a language certification (CLES, TOEIC, TOEFL, …). For non French-speaking students, at least a A2 CECRL certification (or equivalent) in French is requested.
- The digital skills : self-positioning or certification.
- Cover letter, mentioning :
- the knowledge of the training contents and the professional objectives,
- the personal cohesion between the objectives of the Master's degree and the student's professional project.
Selection interview
30 minutes. It can be done online with an appropriate video conferencing tool.
The selection interview aims to check the appropriateness between the training content and the student's project.
Application process
Academic year 2024/2025
Master 1
- Capacity : 15 students
- Application deadlines for European (EU) applicants: on for European applicants from 26 February to 24 March 2024 (main phase) and from 25 June to 31 July 2024 (complementary phase, in case of vacant places)
- Application deadline for non-European applicants: on!accueilView from 26 February to 24 March 2024
- Admission is based on scholastic records and a selection interview only for pre-selected applicants
The recruitment commission will estimate the applicant's previous results and the appropriateness between their study experience and the required training. The commission will estimate the applicant's motivation and the appropriateness between the content of the Master's degree and their project. The selection interview will enable the commission to continue the selection process in order to estimate all aspects of the student's application. During their interview, the applicants will have the opportunity to talk about: their previous study experience,their project and motivation to integrate the training. It will enable the commission to estimate the applicants' qualities, their ability to complete the training and to get the degree.
Master 2
- Direct access for students who have successfully completed the first year of the same study path at the University of Caen Normandy. For other students, please see the information at the university website.
Tuition fees
The tuition fees include the Contribution to Student and Campus Life and the enrolment fees. Details are available at: portail des formations.
Course structure
- On-site training
- Internships as part of the course
- Full-time
The Degree programme is divided into semesters to give students to the opportunity to go on a study mobility.
In the common core of the curriculum, 85% of the course units are taught in English and 15% in French. Besides, a foreign language has to be selected among the offers proposed by the Carré international. French is compulsory for non French-speaking students.
Most of the courses are delivered on-site.
A field trip to Paris is planned at the beginning of the first year (EC Field trip : organizations and jobs) in order to discover organizations and jobs ; a group accommodation is provided by the institution.
Some of the conferences and supervised practical works are taught by guest speakers (academics and professionals) online, especially while being abroad.
Course details
Semester 1
Skills unit 1 / UE 1 : 5 ECTS
- EC 111 Ethical and responsible mobility and tourism 20h
- EC 112 International academic cooperation and mobility programmes 30h
- EC 113 Spatial organizations and travel documents 14h
Skills unit 2 / UE2 : 8 ECTS
- EC 121 Social and accessible tourism 20h
- EC 122 School trips 20h
- EC 123 Scouting and summer camps 15h
- EC 124 Course to be chosen between Language stay Abroad and Volunteering 12h
Skills unit 3 / UE 3 : 6 ECTS
- EC 131 One health, well-being and outdoor education 1 20h
- EC 132 Globalization and mobilities 15h
- EC 133 Course to be chosen between History of educational mobility and tourism and History of pedagogical trends 12h
- EC 134 Mobility of children and young people 12h
Skills unit 4 / UE 4 : 2 ECTS
- EC 141 Research: Educational mobilities and tourism in the Anthropocene 16h
Skills unit 5 / UE 5 : 6 ECTS
- EC 151 Field trip: discovering organizations and jobs 24h
- EC 152 Internship project 8h
- EC 153 Career writing and interviewing 1 10h
Skills unit 6 / UE 6 : 3 ECTS
- EC 161 Communication 18h
- EC 162 Second foreign language (Spanish, German, French foreign language…) 20h
Semester 2
Skills unit 4 / UE 4 : 14 ECTS
- EC 241 Qualitative methodology 10h
- EC 242 Data analysis 10h
- EC 243 Short dissertation 10h
Skills unit 5 / UE5 : 14 ECTS
- EC 251 4 to 6-month Internship abroad and activity analysis 10h
Skills unit 6 / UE6 : 2 ECTS
- EC 261 English presentation 10h
- EC 262 Second foreign language presentation 10h
Semester 3
Skills unit 1/ UE 1 : 7 ECTS
- EC 311 Human resources management 15h
- EC 312 Course to be chosen between Private and public Law applied to tourism and french for specific purposes 25h
- EC 313 Accounting and financial management 30h
- EC 314 Pricing 10h
Skills unit 2/ UE 2 : 8 ECTS
- EC 321 Educational exchange 12h
- EC 322 Slow travel and tourism 12h
- EC 323 Residential centre project 12h
- EC 324 Course to be chosen between Language stay abroad and Volunteering 12h
Skills unit 3/ UE 3 : 6 ECTS
- EC 331 One health, well-being and outdoor education 2 16h
- EC 332 Human beings in the world 15h
- EC 333 Economy and innovation 14h
Skills unit 4/ UE4 : 2 ECTS
- EC 341 Research: Educational mobilities and tourism in the Anthropocene 16h
Skills unit 5/ UE5 : 3 ECTS
- EC 351 Internship project 2 7h
- EC 352 Career writing and interviewing 2 10h
Skills unit 6/ UE6 : 4 ECTS
- EC 361 Communication 18h
- EC 362 Second foreign language (Spanish, German, French foreign language) : 20h
Semester 4
Skills unit 4/ UE4 : 14 ECTS
- EC 441 Dissertation 10h
Skills unit 5/ UE5 : 14 ECTS
- EC 451 4 to 6-month internship and activity analysis 10h
- EC 452 Professional integration 10h
Skills unit 6/ UE6 : 2 ECTS
- EC 461 English presentation 10h
- EC 462 Second foreign language presentation 10h
Internships and placements
M1 : a four to six-month internship abroad (possibility to complete the internship in France for international students), in a public institution, a non-profit organization, or a for-profit company. The activities of the host organization and the internship mission must reflect the objectives of the Master's degree.
M2 : a four to six-month internship abroad or in France, in a public institution, a non-profit organization, or a for-profit company. The activities of the host organization and the internship mission must reflect the objectives of the Master's degree.
Coursework and assessment
The UE exams will take the form of written and/or oral tests, either through continuous assessments or final exams.
Master thesis (dissertation).
Course arrangements for eligible students
The course arrangements are prescribed by the study regulations.
French, English
Study abroad
- Opportunity to take part in an Erasmus+ biannual study mobility.
Opportunity to get an Erasmus+ internship grant, especially during the first-year internship abroad.
Learning outcome
- Research methodology in human sciences
- Investigation methods
- Editorial standards
- Project management
- Training engineering
- Budget management
- Accounting management
- Management techniques
- Business techniques
- Yield management techniques
- Social legislation
- Safety standards for public places and buildings
- Standards for tourist accommodation
- Communication techniques
- Use of desktop tools
- Use of statistical software
- Use of audiovisual tools and materials
Further study
The main purpose of the Master's degree is professional integration.
Opportunity to pursue doctoral studies.
- International relations officer
- European programmes officer
- Vocational training course manager
- Academic manager
- Administrative and academic manager
- Tourism production services manager
- Tourism products organizer
- Ecotourism products organizer
- Tourist accommodation manager
- Socio-cultural centre executive
Université de Caen Normandie
INSPÉ · Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation
186 rue de la Délivrande · CS 25335 · 14053 Caen Cedex 4
School / Faculty
Course leader
Frederic Roulle · & Xavier Michel ·