Undergraduate courses Educational sciences Track Teaching and school professions Social, medico-social and integration professions
Course overview
Educational Sciences focus on all issues that affect education in the broadest sense: school education, adult training, educational problems encountered in different sectors (integration, social work, animation, health), family education, etc...
The degree in Educational Sciences offers a multidisciplinary training in human sciences (pedagogy, psychology, sociology, history...). It allows students to gain a solid culture in education, and methodological and scientific tools to deal with a variety of problems in terms of pedagogy, group facilitation, communication and relationships in educational situations.
This degree offers optional courses from year 1, with two study paths in year 3 (teaching and school professions and social professions).
Application requirements
Entry requirements
In year 1 : the students must hold the Baccalauréat qualification and meet the criteria defined at the national level.
Apply and register
The registration process takes place in 3 steps:
Application process
Registration process
Tuition fees
Administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Life Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the training portal.
Course structure
The training takes place in Caen and is not available for distance learning students.
Course units
Year 1
Year 1 aims to develop a multidisciplinary approach centered around educational matters (childhood, pedagogy...).
- Courses in pedagogy, anthropology, history, psychology, sociology, etc.
- Presentation of the main fields covered by Educational Sciences
- Training written expression in French
- Teaching of foreign languages
- Personalized professional project
Choice between a course dedicated to academic knowledge, a course dedicated to non-academic educational matters or a course focused on the social and medico-social field.
Year 2
Year 2 enables students to strengthen the knowledge gained throughout the first year. The different subjects studied in year 1 are correlated with educational objects or theories. An introduction to the methodology of research in Educational Sciences will also be addressed.
- Teaching in anthropology, history, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, etc.
- Research methodology in Educational Sciences
- Training written expression in French
- Teaching of foreign languages
- Personalized professional project
Choice between a course dedicated to academic knowledge, a course dedicated to non-academic education or a course focused on the social and medico-social field.
Year 3
Year 3 focuses on professions, public and professional issues. Two study paths can be carried out, which contribute to the construction of the student's career path :
- education and school occupations (and education advisor)
- social, medico-social and integration professions
It includes a mandatory 2-week pre-professional training period.
- Teaching in anthropology, history, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, etc.
- Research Methodology
- Analysis of professionnal activities
- Training written expression in French and preparing for the oral exams
- Teaching of foreign languages
- Personalized professional project of the student (and mandatory 2-week training period)
Course details
Together with the departments of Psychology and Sociology, the Bachelor in Educational Sciences trains students in Human and Social Sciences. Within this context, the progressive specialization in the degree can be partly organised.
Year 1 offers two minor courses (each semester), divided in year 1 of Psychology and year 1 of Sociology, which allows reorientations towards these departments at the end of year 1. Reciprocally, the teaching units offered by our department are shared with the faculty of psychology, which allows for cross-reorientations.
Year 2 offers in-depth study in the theoretical and disciplinary fields addressed in year 1.
The organization of the curriculum thus meets the objectives of progressive specialization and the possibility of reorientation during the course of training.
1- Firstly, it articulates the pluridisciplinary year 1 focused on the introduction to disciplinary fields (in psychology and sociology), but also on an approach using extended objects: general pedagogy, childhood.
2 - Year 2 is them introduced as a consolidation year, focusing on the deepening of educational theories. This is where the diversity of the constituent disciplines of psychology, sociology and educational sciences appears in the titles: sociology of education, philosophy of education, theories of learning, theories of motivation, etc...
3- Finally, in year 3, the courses of the common core tend towards a specialization in the audiences addressed by professionals and their specific needs, while offering training to and through research in a transversal way. Above all, year 3 introduces two study paths for professional purposes, including a compulsory internship.
Path 1 : "Teaching and school professions" (teachers and educational advisers), with courses in pedagogy, didactics, training in activity analysis and analysis of professional situations, dealing with fundamental questions of these professions: ethics, contexts, collaborative and partnership practices, innovative practices. The INSPE (French national institute for education and tecahing) is a partner for interviening in the course of this study path.
Track 2 : "Social, medico-social and integration professions". The field of insertion has been added, because we found out, thanks to students' feedback, that the professions of insertion-qualification advisor, VAE advisor turn out to be the main outcomes of the degree. The courses aim at understanding the contexts of social intervention, the preparation of social work exams, as well as the training in the expertise and project approach.
Internships and placements
A mandatory 2-week pre-professional internship must be carried out by the 3rd year undergraduate student.
Course arrangements for eligible students
Assessment arrangements are possible for student employed, family carers and elite athletes.
Study abroad
Concerning Erasmus+ exchanges, the established exchange programs allow the departure and hosting of several students each year.
The department's Erasmus+ referent teacher meets each student several times before his or her departure. He/she welcomes students from other universities. He/she provides regular information at each meeting and includes contributions from students who left in previous years to encourage mobility programmes. The teachers of the foreign language departments are regularly called upon as mediators or intermediaries to finalize the contacts with the partner universities.
Learning outcome
- Build a strong culture in the fields of education, teaching, and social work
- Develop reflexive approaches to the educational professions : analysis of professional situations, analysis of professional activities
- discourse, interactions, educational systems, etc.
- Mastering scientific methodological tools for survey work : epistemology, problematization, data collection, analysis of results, discussion, etc.
- Mastering documentary research
- Gain working methods : summary note, traineeship report, case study...
- Written and oral communication in different contexts, on educational issues, with a reflective scientific approach.
- Master a foreign language.
This degree aims to contribute to the professionalism of various types of education agents :
- agents that can be attached to the "Teaching and school professions" : teachers in elementary school and secondary school (if double course, or documentalist teachers), principal education advisers ;
- agents for whom the "Social, medico-social and integration professions" program has been built : social workers (social service assistants, social and family economy advisors, etc.), educational supervisors, professional integration advisors, local authorities, adult educators, facilitators, etc.
Université de Caen Normandie
UFR HSS · Humanités et sciences sociales
Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5
Course leader
Eric Saillot · eric.saillot@unicaen.fr Marie Vergnon · marie.vergnon@unicaen.fr
More information
UFR HSS website : http://ufrhss.unicaen.fr/disciplines/sciences-de-l-education/