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UNICAEN | UNIVERSITÉ DE CAEN NORMANDIE | UFR Humanités et sciences sociales

Undergraduate courses Philosophy

Track :
  • Philosophy - Social Sciences
  • Philosophy - Political Sciences

field(s) of training :
Humanities and Social Sciences
diploma level :
Grade de Licence (Bac+3)
duration of the program :
3 years
location(s) :
Caen · Campus 1

Course units

BSc. Year 1

  • General philosophy
  • History of ancient or medieval philosophy
  • History of modern and contemporary philosophy
  • Moral and political philosophy
  • Philosophy of sciences

Speciality in sociology:

  • Authors and theories

Speciality in History:

  • Introduction to modern France (16th - 18th century)
  • Introduction to contemporary France
  • Introduction to ancient history
  • Introduction to medieval history

Speciality in ancient languages:

  • Latin
  • Greek

Transferable skills :

  • Methodology of academic practice
  • Documentary skills
  • Modern foreign languages

BSc. Year 2

Common teaching for both specialities

  • General philosophy
  • History of medieval philosophy
  • History of modern and contemporary philosophy
  • Transferable skills (Methodology applied to philosophy, Computer Science, Logic, Modern foreign languages)

Social sciences curriculum

  • Philosophy of art
  • Moral and political philosophy
  • Specialization in Sociology (Authors and theories)
  • Specialization in History (ancient History, medieval History, contemporary History)
  • Specialization in ancient languages (Latin, Greek)

Political Sciences curriculum

  • Understanding of the contemporary world
  • Political sociology
  • History of political ideas
  • Today's world : Initiation to law - European institutions, French contemporary history

BSc. Year 3

Common teachings for both specialities

  • History of philosophy
  • Philosophy of law
  • Metaphysics
  • Philosophy of art - Aesthetics
  • Transferable skills (Methodology in philosophy, Computer Science, Modern foreign languages, Philosophical texts in English or German)

Specialization in social sciences

  • Philosophy of science
  • Specialization in sociology (Authors and theories, Social Change)
  • Specialization in History (Ancient and Medieval History, Modern and Contemporary History)
  • Specialization in Ancient languages (Latin, Greek)

Specialization in political sciences

  • Political Sciences
  • Today's world : EU law, Sociology of associations

Course overview

The bachelor's degree in philosophy has a triple objective:

  • the acquisition of a varied general culture in the field of Human Sciences and the mastery of the techniques of rational argumentation ;
  • the training for the future profession of philosophy teacher and therefore the successful completion of the competitive exams for teaching in secondary education (CAPES) and/or the aggregation ;
  • for the Political Sciences specialization, the parallel acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of Political Sciences (Law, History, Sociology).

The first year of the philosophy bachelor's degree is common to all students. At the end of year 1, students must choose one of the two specializations proposed for this programme : Social Sciences or Political Sciences.

Registration process

Registration at university


Completion of secondary education + Baccalauréat qualification

Entry requirements

Completion of secondary education + Baccalauréat qualification or equivalent

Tuition fees

Administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Life Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the training portal.

Course structure

In-person classes

Course details

Semester 1

  • UE1 General Philosophy
  • UE2 Ancient or Modern Philosophy
  • UE3 Moral and Political Philosophy
  • UE4 specialization in Sociology, History or Ancient Languages
  • UE5 Transferable skills

Semester 2

  • UE6 General Philosophy
  • UE7 Ancient or Modern Philosophy
  • UE8 Philosophy of Science
  • UE9 specialization in Sociology, History or Ancient Languages
  • UE10 Transferable skills

Philosophy-Political Sciences

Semester 3

  • UE1 General Philosophy
  • UE2 Modern or Contemporary Philosophy
  • UE3 Understanding of the contemporary world
  • UE4 Political Sociology
  • UE5 Transferable Skills

Semester 4

  • UE6 General Philosophy
  • UE7 Medieval Philosophy
  • UE8 History of Political Ideas
  • UE9 The world today 1
  • UE10 Transferable skills

Semester 5

  • UE1 History of Philosophy
  • UE2 Metaphysics
  • UE3 Political Sciences 
  • UE4 The world today 2
  • UE5 Transferable skills

Semester 6

  • UE6 History of Philosophy
  • UE7 Philosophy of Art
  • UE8 Political Sciences
  • UE9 Philosophy of law
  • UE10 Transferable skills

Philosophy-Social Sciences

Semester 3

  • UE1 General Philosophy
  • UE2 Modern or Contemporary Philosophy
  • UE3 Aesthetics
  • UE4 Specialization in Sociology, History or Ancient Languages
  • UE5 Transferable skills

Semester 4

  • UE6 General philosophy
  • UE7 Medieval Philosophy
  • UE8 Moral and Political Philosophy
  • UE9 Specialization in Sociology, History or Ancient Languages
  • UE10 Transferable skills

Semester 5

  • UE1 History of philosophy
  • UE2 Metaphysics
  • UE3 Philosophy of science
  • UE4 Specialization in Sociology,  History or Ancient Languages
  • UE5 Transferable skills

Semester 6

  • UE6 History of philosophy
  • UE7 Philosophy of art
  • UE8 Philosophy of law
  • UE9 Specialization in Sociology or History or Ancient Languages
  • UE10 Transferable skills

Internships and placements

Year 3 : Optional tecahing unit - Discovery and Orientation Internship

Course arrangements for eligible students


Attendance exemption for working students, and for students enrolled in a double degree.


The language of instruction is French.

Study abroad

Erasmus+ exchanges : with Lecce, Siena, Rome, Potsdam, Poznan, Granada and Madrid.

Agreements signed by the University of Caen Normandy with CREPUQ (Conference of Rectors and Principals of Universities of Quebec).

Learning outcome

At the end of the three years of the degree programme, students master the technique of argumentation (written and oral) and the fundamental elements of logic. They know how to analyze complex situations and propose a synthesis of the problems to be solved.

They have a knowledge of the concepts that allow them to face and answer the most difficult humanitarian concerns. They are therefore able to provide effective and informed responses.

Finally, they have expressive qualities that make it possible for them to write synthesis reports.

Further specialization in "Political Sciences" allows the parallel acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of Political Sciences (Law, History, Sociology).

Further study

Master's degree in Philosophy :

  • Master's degree in Philosophy, with Disciplinary Reinforcement: Preparation for the Certificate of Aptitude for the Teaching of Secondary Education (CAPES) and the Aggregation of Philosophy
  • Master's degree in Philosophy, with specialization in research

Other examples of masters's degree programmes after the BSc. degree in philosophy:

  • Master's degree with specialization in the book, publishing and library trade.
  • Master's degree in Public Health ; Health Ethics

Other training courses available after the philosophy bachelor's degree :

  • Competitive exams and entrance exams for journalism schools
  • Institutes of Political Studies
  • Class A and B Public Service Competitions (Legal and administrative professions)


  • Specilization in social sciences : such training can be applied to a large range of professions and orientations, from education to the management of cultural institutions (library Trade, etc.).

Specialization in political sciences : opportunities are more oriented towards professions and training courses centered on public or private management and administration :

  • Institutes of Political Studies and professions in high administration, diplomacy, geopolitics and political sciences ;
  • Legal and administrative professions (civil service competitive examination, class A and B) ;
  • Journalism (journalism school entrance exams and competitions) ;
  • Professions related to communication, human resources, social and urban development, social and cultural mediation.


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR HSS · Humanités et sciences sociales

Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5




Course leader

Laurent Clauzade · laurent.clauzade@unicaen.fr

More information

UFR HSS website : http://ufrhss.unicaen.fr/disciplines/philosophie/

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