UNICAEN | UNIVERSITÉ DE CAEN NORMANDIE | UFR Humanités et sciences sociales

Undergraduate courses Humanities

Track :
  • Digital humanities

field(s) of training :
Arts, Literature, Languages
diploma level :
Grade de Licence (Bac+3)
duration of the program :
3 years
location(s) :
Caen · campus 1

Course units

Year 1

  • Discovery of an ancient language - Greek or Latin (courses adapted  to beginners)
  • Reading the ancient worlds - Greek and Latin worlds
  • Digital culture (courses and conferences)
  • Comparative Literature & Today's Writings
  • Language and Communication & Rhetoric and Speech Acts
  • Introduction to Modern History & Introduction to Ancient History
  • Production of documents in a digital environment (word and long documents processing)
  • Production of documents for the WEB
  • Tutored project : numerical approaches to the humanities
  • Expression
  • Documentary research in a digital environment
  • English
  • Optional teaching of a modern foreign language other than English

Year 2

  • Ancient language - Greek or Latin
  • Reading the ancient worlds - Greek and Latin worlds
  • Digital culture (courses and conferences)
  • Linguistics for literary text or Introduction to corpus linguistics
  • Standards and Speeches or French in diachrony
  • Fundamental Questions - Theories and Texts
  • Medieval history & contemporary history
  • Database structuring and management
  • Structuring of digital documents, digital books
  • Tutored project : numerical approaches to humanities
  • Expression (written and oral)
  • Documentary research : bibliographical tools and structuring
  • English
  • Optional teaching of a modern foreign language other than English

Year 3

  • Ancient language - Greek or Latin
  • Reading the ancient worlds - Greek and Latin worlds
  • Digital culture (courses and conferences)
  • Cultural History
  • History of the language
  • Linguistics and Poetics, Corpus Linguistics
  • Ancient history or medieval history
  • Modern history or contemporary history
  • Data exploration, exploitation and query, introduction to knowledge engineering
  • Initiation to multimedia creation
  • Introduction to programming
  • Tutored project : numerical approaches to humanities
  • Expression (written and oral)
  • English
  • Optional teaching of a modern foreign language other than English

Course overview

The Bachelor's degree in Humanities is a new training at the crossroads of human and social sciences on the one hand and information and communication sciences and technologies on the other hand.

This training is carried out over 3 years under a unique path entitled Digital Humanities.

It aims to give students a multidisciplinary training structured around the teaching of literature, language sciences, history, ancient languages and cultures, expression and writing, digital culture and digital practice.

At the end of the third year, the students, endowed with a solid general culture and trained in a thoughtful and reasoned use of digital technology, will be prepared for the book-related occupations, the professions in culture, heritage, writing sectors and for the humanities to Information Technology interface trades.

Registration process

Registration at the university

Re-registration at the university


Completion of secondary education + Baccalauréat qualification

Entry requirements

Access to the Bachelor's degree program is automatically given to people who have completed secondary education and obtained the baccalauréat qualification or an equivalent diploma.

For other candidates, access is conditional upon validation of their studies or professional experience by the competent commission.

Tuition fees

Administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Life Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the training portal.

Course structure

  • Face-to-face training
  • Distance learning options : Literature courses (years 1, 2 and 3), Language Science courses (years 1 and 2), History courses (years 1, 2 and 3).
  • Work experience integrated into the training programme - Optional discovery and orientation internship

Course details

The Bachelor's Degree in Digital Humanities has an identical structure in its three levels. It is structured around 5 UEs (teaching units) that offer progressively more complex courses, combining the fields of Humanities and Digital sciences, for which it has been specifically developed:

  • UE Humanities & Digital sciences
  • UE Cultures, language, literature
  • UE The world, past and present
  • UE Digital Practice, including tutored projects
  • UE Language and Methods

Internships and placements

An optional career guidance intership (up to a maximum of 6 weeks) can be set up in year 3.

Coursework and assessment

The curriculum is semestarized. Each semester includes several teaching units. The exams take place at the end of each semester.

On the one hand, the compensation of the results is organized over the semester without eliminatory marks and on the basis of the general average of the marks obtained for the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. On the other hand, it is also organized between the two immediately consecutive semesters.

To validate their semester, students must have an overall average mark of at least 10/20. If a student has not validated his semester, he nevertheless retains the benefit of the teaching units where he obtained at least 10/20.

A make-up session is organized for students who did not validate the semester in the first exam session.



Learning outcome

  • Solid general culture linking ancient and contemporary worlds (study of the 4 periods of history, European literature)
  • Mastery of tools for reflection on the stakes of rhetoric and communication
  • Mastery of written and oral expression, argumentation and structured reasoning
  • English ; Latin or Greek
  • Analysis and critical reading of textual & iconographic documents
  • Analysis of the challenges of applying digital technology to  Humanities & emerging issues of the digital age
  • Mastery of computer principles and technologies at the service of humanities : digital publishing, documentary engineering, information retrieval, structuring, enrichment, exploration and interrogation of structured data, knowledge engineering, programming elements.

Further study

At the end of year 3, possibility of continuing studies in a master's programme at the University of Caen Normandie :

  • Master's Degree in the Book and Publishing, Library professions path
  • Master's Degree in the Book and Publishing, Publishing path
  • Master Arts, Literature and Civilizations, major in Archives
  • Master's Degree in History
  • Master's Degree in History, History and Heritage path
  • Master's Degree in Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF)
  • Some Master's Degrees of the IAE (University School of Management of the University of Caen Normandie )


  • Publishing, book and documentation professions
  • Cultural and heritage professions
  • Writing, communication, journalism and community management professions
  • Professions related to the "serious games" field
  • Language engineering professions
  • Research and source engineering professions


Université de Caen Normandie

UFR HSS · Humanités et sciences sociales

Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5




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