Professional undergraduate courses Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security Track Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security
field(s) of training :
Science, Technology, Health
diploma level :
duration of the program :
1 year
location(s) :
Course overview
You’re interested in nuclear industry? You wish to learn more about intervention and control policies regarding nuclear energy? The professional bachelor’s programme in Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security offers three paths with as many specialities in the nuclear industry:
- Ionising Radiation Control and Protection Techniques Applications
- Maintenance in Nuclear Environment
- Sanitation, Waste Treatment and Nuclear Decommissioning
This one-year programme is jointly organised with the French National Institute for Nuclear Energy and Technology (INTSN). Once you’ve obtained your degree, you can become a specialist in one of these fields and work in the nuclear industry as engineer assistant or technical executive.
Nuclear industry is a highly-secured industry. As such, the professional bachelor’s in Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security allows you to work on-the-field, thanks to the opportunities offered by the French National Institute for Nuclear Energy and Technology (INTSN). With this partnership, as soon as school starts, you will pass security clearances necessary to work in the nuclear:
- Common Nuclear Knowledge · Level 1 (SCN1)
- Safety and Quality Complementary Training (CSQ)
- Radiation Protection (RP)
Application requirements
Entry requirements
To enter this professional bachelor's, you should graduate from a Year 2 of another bachelor’s, university bachelor of technology, or advanced technical certificate.
Course structure
- Take place on site in the campus of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
- Amount to 35 hours per week
- Are completed by a compulsory internship or apprenticeship
Course units
The professional bachelor’s programme in Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security provides multidisciplinary courses in:
- Physics and Chemistry
- Expression and Communication
- Labour Law
- Management
- English
As well as scientific courses focusing on radiation protection:
- Plan reading
- Quality evaluation
- Radiological risks evaluation
- Radiation protection
These courses differ depending on the specialisation you chose:
- Ionising Radiation Control and Protection Techniques Applications
- Radiation Protection Calculation Codes
- Transfer functions
- Plants monitoring
- Detection techniques
- Regulations
- Maintenance in Nuclear Environment
- Work preparation
- Maintenance
- Regulation
- Metallurgy
- Nuclear techniques of production and reprocessing
- Thermodynamics
- Sanitation, Waste Treatment and Nuclear Decommissioning
- Sanitation and decommissioning
- Waste treatment and effluent
- Geology
- Mechanics
The curriculum focuses on professional integration, especially through:
- Supervised project with professional partners
- Internship or apprenticeship with security clearances delivered by the French National Institute for Nuclear Energy and Technology (INTSN).
Internships and placements
The master’s programme includes a compulsory internship in a company or a laboratory, in France or abroad. If you specialise in Ionising Radiation Control and Protection Techniques Applications or in Sanitation, Waste Treatment and Nuclear Decommissioning, you can also do an apprenticeship.
- The internship lasts 16 weeks, or 4 months
- The apprenticeship lasts 26 weeks
Both will be evaluated through a detailed written report and an oral presentation of this report.
Coursework and assessment
The programme lasts 1 year and is divided in 2 semesters, each comprising several courses units. Examinations are held through coursework and are graded on a scale from 0 to 20, 20 being the best grade. Supervised projects and professional experience (internship or apprenticeship) are graded through detailed written report and oral presentations.
To successfully complete a semester, you must have an average grade of at least 10 points out of 20 in every course unit. If you have not completed your semester, you can retake the courses units you failed; you do not have to retake the courses in which you have obtained at least 10 points out of 20.
Learning outcome
- Ionising Radiation Control and Protection Techniques Applications
- Carry on operational radiation protection tasks
- Provide expertise in radiation protection
- Conceive communication, information and training for all stakeholders during normal situations as well as crisis
- Maintenance in Nuclear Environment
- Maintain nuclear production facilities and tools well-functioning
- Organise, conceive, optimise and lead maintenance operations in a nuclear environment in accordance to the regulations and security required during the intervention
- Sanitation, Waste Treatment and Nuclear Decommissioning
- Organise, conceive, optimise and lead sanitation, decommissioning, and management project in the nuclear industry, and implement required surety and security measures in this environment
Further study
The main objective of a professional bachelor’s is professional integration. However, you can also pursue your studies with a work-study master’s programme. If you’re interested in a specific master’s or engineer programme, you should check their admission procedures.
The professional bachelor’s for Careers in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security prepares you to nuclear industry, energy production, and waste reprocessing. You can also work in any industry using ionising radiation, like Health.
Radiation protection and nuclear security include jobs such as:
- Engineering assistant
- Technical executive
- Maintenance operation consulting or business executive
- Decommissioning, sanitation or waste treatment consulting or business executive
- Executive tasked with operational radiation protection or to provide expertise in radiation protection
Université de Caen Normandie
UFR des Sciences
60 Rue Max Pol Fouchet · 50130 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin