This programme is taught in French.
field(s) of training :
Arts, Literature, Languages
diploma level :
Bachelor's degree (three-year degree)
duration of the program :
3 years
location(s) :
Caen · campus 1
Course overview
The undergraduate courses in Performing Arts is open to anyone who is interested in cinema and theater, to all those who wish to learn and professionalize themselves in these fields or in the area of culture.
The training is based on the study of artistic languages through image, text, body and space, on the history and memory of the arts, as well as on the sociological and anthropological aspects of artistic practices.
It aims to develop knowledge, reflection and expertise on films or performances; to initiate the practice of film or theatre; to learn how to conceive, develop and present a project; to get to know the actors, problems and challenges of the cultural world.
Welcoming international students
Since 2019, the University of Caen Normandy has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" label by Campus France, highlighting the quality of the university's welcome for international students.
Application requirements
Entry requirements
Completion of secondary education + Baccalauréat qualification or equivalent
Apply and register
The registration process takes place in 3 steps:
Application process
Tuition fees
Administrative registration includes the payment of the Student Life and Campus Life Contribution and the payment of registration fees. Details can be found on the training portal.
Course structure
Face-to-face training
Course units
Year 1
- Film History (benchmarks and analysis)
- Dramaturgy and film staging
- Introduction to screenwriting
Stage entertainment
- theater history (benchmarks and analysis)
- Dramaturgy and theater staging
- Initiation to acting
- Literary and cultural movements
- Comparative Literature
- Today's writings
Transversal teaching in Performing Arts
- Critical writings
- Introduction to the entertainment industry
- Methodology
- Modern foreign language (LVE)
Year 2
Choice of Major in: Cinema or Stage performing arts
- Theories and film history: theoretical and critical texts, sociological approaches, still image analysis, contemporary aesthetic theories.
- Film currents and authors
Stage entertainment
- History and current events in stage entertainment: forms and contexts
- Stage entertainment: performing arts and other arts
Common teaching to both tracks :
- Practice workshops (to be chosen among) : writings ; acting, body, voice ; spaces, images
- Theories of communication
- Modern foreign language (LVE)
- Methodology - Information and Communication Technologies for Education (TICE)
Choice of Minor in: either the other track of the Performing Arts programme (Cinema or Stage entertainment), or the Literature track
- French language and literature
- Comparative Literature
- Latin
Year 3
- History and aesthetics
- National cinematographies
- Contemporary approaches
- Cinema workshop : shooting, editing, sound
- Professional module: Economics of Cinema
- Methodology : introduction to research and archives of cinema and entertainment
- Modern foreign language (LVE)
Satge performing arts
- Critical Approaches
- Multidisciplinary and international approaches
- Politics and Economics of Entertainment
- Practice : from project to representation
- Professional module: elaboration and argumentation of a project
- Methodology : introduction to research and archives of cinema and entertainment
- Modern foreign language (LVE)
Course details
Semesters 1 & 2
In the first year, all students take the courses of the Performing Arts (UE 1 and 2) and Literature programmes (UE 3 and 4) ; only UE 5 (Practice, Methods and Language I and II) depends on the specialisation option chosen upon registration. This first year enables the students to acquire the fundamental principles of culture in both study tracks as well as the practice of critical analysis of written and oral works.
Semesters 3 & 4
At the end of the second semester, the students can choose a Literature course or choose a major either in the Cinema track or in the Stage Performing Arts track (UE 1, 2, 3). They will then choose a minor (UE 4 and 5) either in Literature or in the other track of the Performing Arts programme (Cinema or Stage Entertainment). The second year aims at strengthening the fundamental knowledge acquired.
Semesters 5 & 6
At the end of the fourth semester, the students can choose a minor (either in one of the tracks or in Literature). Otherwise, he or she continues in the third year, to specialize in the chosen track. This last year is devoted to the diversification of knowledge (UE 1, 2, 3), autonomy in the practical application (UE 4), professional module(UE 5) as well as initiation to scientific research (UE 1 and 5).
The progressive discovery of the objects and methods of research in the performing arts area acts as a bridge towards the masters related to the training ("Arts, Literature, Civilizations" master's degree and its professional track "Film and audiovisual Production Professions").
Internships and placements
During semester 6 of the third year, it is possible to do an internship in the EU5 : Professional module, method and language.
Coursework and assessment
The courses are validated either through a final assessment (an end of semester exam), or through an ongoing assessment (evaluation throughout the whole semester), or both at the end of the semester and through an ongoing assessment.
The courses within each UE compensate each other and the UEs compensate each other.
Course arrangements for eligible students
Students in employment, high-level sportsmen and women, students in double degree programs, and mothers can benefit, upon presentation of proof and after validation by the teaching managers, from the possibility of not attending certain classes.
Study abroad
The Performing Arts Department strives to maintain regular exchanges with a dozen departments in Europe and around the world (Montreal, Krakow, Bologna, Turin, Brussels...) for Erasmus+ programs. We regularly welcome foreign artists and professors for masterclasses or conferences.
Learning outcome
- Disciplines : mastery of fundamental knowledge in the performing arts (history, dramaturgy, poetic and aesthetic theories, iconography and scenography) and fundamental knowledge in sociology, economics and cultural policy, capacity for analysis and criticism of works, capacity for expertise and contextualization of current trends, personal and collective practice in the performing arts.
- Pre-professional : mastery and use of fundamental knowledge in cultural economics and policies ; ability to design and implement an artistic project, to integrate into a collective project, to argue and defend a project.
- Transversal : mastery of digital tools to process information; synthesis, analysis and argumentation ; foreign languages.
Further study
Students will be able to continue in the Master's degree in Arts, Literature and Civilizations. This master offers 4 tracks :
- Cinema
- Theater
- Film and audiovisual Production Professions
- Literature "Culture, Scriptures, Communication".
Opportunities of the Cinema and Stage Performing Arts tracks :
- Artistic professions (actor, director, screenwriter, etc.) either directly, or after an art school or a technical and artistic training school
- Administration and cultural animation jobs
- Jobs in film production, especially after the professionnal track "Film and audiovisual Production Professions"
- Documentation professions, particularly in the field of culture
Université de Caen Normandie
UFR HSS · Humanités et sciences sociales
Esplanade de la Paix · CS 14032 · 14032 Caen Cedex 5
Course leader
formation : Cristina De Simone ·
formation : Paola Palma ·
formation : Raphael Jaudon ·
formation : Stephanie Loncle ·
More information
UFR HSS website :